Francesc Garcia Escarré

Catalan painter and decorator (1871-1954)

Welcome to Francesc Garcia Escarré’s website.

Francesc Garcia Escarré (1871-1950) was a painter and decorator, but he also was a person committed to his time changes.

I’m searching for information about this man and also his work, that way I can collect all of it on this website so he and his work are not forgotten. If you have any kind of information that can be interesting, contact me without a doubt. (You can do that throught mail).

With all of this, lots of you helped me providing a lot of data, showing me where to look for it or giving me information or photographs of his work that you saw somewhere, inherited or acquired. To all of you, thank you very much.

Jordi Fina i Garcia.

    •    To all of my family, especially to “Abuelita”.

    •    The Catalan National Library, particularly to the librarians team.

    •    Soledad Bengoetxea.

    •    Joaquim Iborra (Head of the Editions and Documentation, Gran Teatre del Liceu).

    •    Rosa Ma. Ricomà Valhonrat (Director of the Museu d’Art Modern de Tarragona).

    •    Rosa Ma. Ferrando (Secretària Cap d’Àrea, Ajuntament de Reus).

    •    Jaume Massó (Director, MASV).

    •    Teresa Ma. Sala (Certified modern and contemporary art’s history teacher, Universitat de Barcelona).

    •    Jordi Sabater González.

    •    Ramon Solé Urgellés.

    •    Sylvia Mir

    •    Núria, archivist of the local archive of Alcover

    •    Begoña Forteza Casas (Library and Archive of RACBASJ, Biblioteca i Arxiu de la RACBASJ, Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi).

    •    Reus’ Reading Center.

    •    Library-Museum Víctor Balaguer of Vilanova i la Geltrú.

    •    Anna Nicolau i Payàs

    •    ARCA, Archive of ancient magazines (Arxiu de Revistes Catalanes Antigues).

    •    Jordi Sotorra.

    •    Barcelofília, inventory of the missing Barcelona (

    •    Juli G. Pausas, great-grandson of Francesc Pausas Coll

    •    Carles Garcia, Foment del Treball Nacional

    •    Sara Folch, Arxivers sense Fronteres

    •    Sergio Fuentes, Sala Parés

    •    Susan K. Anderson i Miriam Cardy, Philadelphia Museum of Art

    •    Arxiu Històric Arxidiocesà de Tarragona

    •    Elena Llorens, Departament d’Art Modern i Contemporani Museu Nacional.

    •    Tate Cabré

    •    Dr. Francesc Fontbona (Membre de l’institut d’Estudis Catalans i de la Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi)

    •    The Vigilant del Far blogg

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© 2016 Jordi Fina i Garcia